In my current practice I wish to draw our attention towards the dangers aligned with the restrained part of ourselves which causes us to lose our own self and help us understand why it is vital to pay attention to the creative child inside every individual for the inner child is not a retrogression towards a sophomoric state of life but a progression towards wholeness.

  Heavily influenced by Greek mythology and symbolism I embark on a journey towards the exploration of my heritage and emotions, what forms would they take if they were to be released from their bodily chains and allowed to transform into something else, a complex being of pure form.

  Through the skilful use of intricate repetitive details, fluid lines combined with striking imagery of my imagination I am able to attain the intensification of the affective “impact” of my work and create an impression of “wholeness” that challenges todays culture’s fragmentary sensations and promiscuous superficiality drawing our attentions towards the traditional valued qualities of depth, meaning, originality and authenticity.

  Aimilios Metaxas, born in Athens, Greece in 1999, started studying art academically during his high school years where he was mentored by a visual development artist from Pixar and Walt Disney studios. He would later on go to win a scholarship to study at NABA:Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti in Milan graduating in 2020, earning a Bachelor's degree in Painting and Visual Arts. In 2023, Aimilios completed his Master's degree in Painting at the Royal College of Art in London.
